Understanding the two clients
At mas advisory we always consider two clients: our own client and our client’s client – the end-client. Effectivity starts here.
Every sustainable business model depends on the readiness of the end-clients to value and to buy a product. It is from their perspective that the reality of the business should be viewed. While this is generally valid, many changes in customer behavior are occurring driven by digitalization and by cultural and social changes. Therefore, an extrapolation of the past would be hazardous. Then again, relying solely on megatrends, while ignoring existing values and patterns would be highly risky. However, by using different techniques such as Delphy Studies, joint Product Design and Backwards Engineering, we make sure to have a solid understanding of the end-client’s position.
Profoundly understanding our own client is equally crucial, as the practicality of an apparently great solution may be incompatible with the company’s DNA, or the business model may not be suitable for a given product or service. Another classical pitfall is the inside-out perspective that ignores the outside reality. As sparring partners, we make sure all these topics, and more are carefully challenged and addressed from the onset.